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Reflections on 2017

At the end of December, I always take some time to contemplate the past year. I can say for sure, this was one of the most difficult years of my life, and yet a year of growth for me in many ways.

In June, after 3 years of symptoms, doctor's appointments and blood work, I finally received my diagnosis: chronic Lyme disease, tick relapsing fever, Bartonella & Babesia. I also was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. My health was the focus of my entire year. I started treatment, which was extremely difficult. I had days of extreme anxiety and depression, bone-crushing fatigue, painful joints and muscles, headaches, etc. I struggled to make it through some days. By the time I had been in treatment for a couple of months, I barely recognized myself. I became more withdrawn. I no longer had the desire to do the things I loved since doing them would mean more pain. It was a year of recognizing and submitting to the things I had no control over, in order to do what's best for my body. I finally let go of some friendships that were no longer bringing positivity to my life, and thankfully I made new, meaningful friendships. I learned the value of listening to my body, even if it means giving up the things I love to do. The diseases I am battling stripped away my vanity, my inhibitions, my desire to please others. My mind was opened to so many new ideas.

In a way, 2017 was the year I finally focused on myself.

This was also the year our family went on vacation out of the country for the first time. Though it was "only" to Quebec, Canada, being somewhere where french is widely spoken was a really cool experience. It also ignited that desire I've had deep inside all my life, to travel and experience different cultures.

My business also grew; I more than doubled my profit compared to 2016! It was also a Godsend, as with spending hundreds on treatment every month, the extra income was much needed and appreciated.

It would be easy for me to say that this year was awful, but even the dark valleys of life bring about changes for good. So much of what happened to me this year shaped me in ways that could have never been done otherwise. So thank you, 2017...I'm ready to see what 2018 brings me.
