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Another Lyme warrior starts treatment

A few weeks ago my husband received a phone call from our doctor saying that he is positive for Lyme through IGeneX lab. This is not a surprise. He was diagnosed 15 years ago after a very high fever and bells palsy, and was treated with the standard 28 day course of antibiotics. About 6 years ago, he saw a Lyme doctor because he was having joint pain in his knees. He felt better after another course of antibiotics, but it wasn't long enough. I have to say, he had a lot of positive bands on the western blot - he was even CDC positive. That man has an iron immune system so I think he will do well in treatment.

He is treating for Candida right now. I wanted to get him to his full dose of Nystatin before we add Lyme treatment since he has been herxing from the nystatin killing the candida. He has been sugar free since the end of October, and he is doing awesome. He's lost 22 pounds!!! I'm proud that he's been able to stick with it since sugar has always been his weakness.

I just had two rough weeks, but this was following about two months of feeling decent. It seems the time between flares is getting longer, which is a good sign.
