The biggest super moon of the year just passed by. I was extremely surprised at how well I fared; typically in the week leading up to a full moon, I feel off and have an increase in symptoms, especially air hunger. This time, I had one night of insomnia plus felt a bit off the following day. This is really exciting to me because it shows tangible proof of how much I've improved.
I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called "Heal." I highly recommend it to everyone, especially those dealing with illness. It was about the mind-body connection and how our bodies desire to heal themselves, but our minds often get in the way. One of the women they interviewed spoke of 9 common healing factors they found people with cancer had in common. Here they are:
It was absolutely crazy to me as these are all things I have naturally adopted in my Lyme journey. When I started doing these, I really began to see things turn around. It was really quite incredible to hear that these are things people who heal have in common.
I've written before about my hormonal issues and trying to get to the bottom of them. After doing more research and following my gut instinct, I've decided to stop doing intermittent fasting. It's changed so much in my Lyme journey for the better; weight loss, lowered inflammation etc. However, I have been learning of the possibility of IF interfering with women's hormones. There are reports of it causing hormonal imbalances, typically too low hormones. Mine have been confirmed as too low and the symptoms match. I've been doing IF daily for almost 8 months, and the second month on IF was when I noticed the hormonal issues. I've tried several things and the signs keep pointing back to IF, so sadly, it's time to stop. It has served me well, but maybe, for me personally, it was meant more as a short-term help for healing, rather than a long-term lifestyle change.
This is the longest I've gone between phone consults with my herbalist. She went away for part of this month, so her appointments were backed up and I wasn't able to get in with her until 6 weeks after the last consult, rather than the usual 4 weeks. I'm really excited to talk to her, because this is the second consecutive month that my air hunger has decreased. Typically that's common on months where sida acuda is in my tinctures, but this month it isn't. This makes me believe that with the help of the herbs, my body seems to be getting a handle on the Babesia infection. I couldn't be happier.
I'm still struggling with some creativity blockage going on in my head. I feel stuck, so I'm trying to direct my energy elsewhere until I feel ready to get back to it. I can't force creativity, whenever I try to, it ends up being a disaster. I'm hoping the spark will reignite soon!
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