The biggest super moon of the year just passed by. I was extremely surprised at how well I fared; typically in the week leading up to a full moon, I feel off and have an increase in symptoms, especially air hunger. This time, I had one night of insomnia plus felt a bit off the following day. This is really exciting to me because it shows tangible proof of how much I've improved. I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called "Heal." I highly recommend it to everyone, especially those dealing with illness. It was about the mind-body connection and how our bodies desire to heal themselves, but our minds often get in the way. One of the women they interviewed spoke of 9 common healing factors they found people with cancer had in common. Here they are: It was absolutely crazy to me as these are all things I have naturally adopted in my Lyme journey. When I started doing these, I really began to see things turn around. It was really quite incredible to hear tha...