Tonight I drove home from Pound class, feeling a bit discouraged. I thought my body was finally getting stronger, but the last two classes have been very hard to get through. Simple moves make my muscles burn intensely, when I used to be able to do the whole class without issue. It's hard not to feel frustrated with myself. I know it's not my fault, but sometimes I think knowing there's nothing I can do makes it worse. While I was thinking about all of this, "Unwell" by Matchbox 20 came on the radio. Rob Thomas wrote the song, in part, for his wife, Marisol, who struggles with chronic neurological Lyme disease. I've heard the sound hundreds, if not thousands of times over the years, but after being diagnosed and knowing the story behind the song, it has taken on such a deep meaning, and makes me very emotional. I've made major strides. For a few months now, I haven't been living with daily pain. The anxiety and depression has receded. I'm still...