As of February 16th, I've been treating for 8 full months.
Symptoms that have improved:
Symptoms that have worsened/relapsed/continued:
The super full moon we had on January 31st really threw my body for a loop. For the few days up to, and the few days following (for a total of one week) I had a headache every single day, plus my typical Babesia symptoms of weakness, air hunger, and hot flashes. This was quickly followed by a major flare of my Lyme & Bartonella symptoms, which had me panicked until I woke up the next day and realized I had a head cold. (It's typical of my symptoms to flare when I'm sick) That luckily only lasted 3 days and I was back to it and feeling better. I started going back to Pound class once a week, and I have been tolerating it well. I started doing yoga in the mornings which has been helpful for making me feel relaxed and grounded. Over a month ago I started red root tincture to help my constantly swollen lymph nodes. The lymphatic system can get clogged due to the bacteria being killed off, and improving lymphatic drainage helps your immune system and your detoxification. My lymph nodes have only swollen twice since I started it, which is a huge improvement since they were previously swollen all the time. I've also been more strict with my diet, eating as many vegetables as possible and cutting sugar intake. For the first time, I actually believe the inflammation weight is beginning to come off. My stomach has been noticeably flatter for weeks, and most of my weight has been concentrated there so that's extremely encouraging.
Symptoms that have improved:
- Depression and anxiety
- Pins & needles sensations
- Throat issues & reflux
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Exercise tolerance
Symptoms that have worsened/relapsed/continued:
- Air hunger has come back ever since the super moon a few weeks ago
- Word recall has gotten slightly worse again
- Insomnia continues in cycles
- More headaches than usual
- Joint and muscle pain during herxes
The super full moon we had on January 31st really threw my body for a loop. For the few days up to, and the few days following (for a total of one week) I had a headache every single day, plus my typical Babesia symptoms of weakness, air hunger, and hot flashes. This was quickly followed by a major flare of my Lyme & Bartonella symptoms, which had me panicked until I woke up the next day and realized I had a head cold. (It's typical of my symptoms to flare when I'm sick) That luckily only lasted 3 days and I was back to it and feeling better. I started going back to Pound class once a week, and I have been tolerating it well. I started doing yoga in the mornings which has been helpful for making me feel relaxed and grounded. Over a month ago I started red root tincture to help my constantly swollen lymph nodes. The lymphatic system can get clogged due to the bacteria being killed off, and improving lymphatic drainage helps your immune system and your detoxification. My lymph nodes have only swollen twice since I started it, which is a huge improvement since they were previously swollen all the time. I've also been more strict with my diet, eating as many vegetables as possible and cutting sugar intake. For the first time, I actually believe the inflammation weight is beginning to come off. My stomach has been noticeably flatter for weeks, and most of my weight has been concentrated there so that's extremely encouraging.
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