I like to call my health issues a Lyme puzzle. It's rarely "just" Lyme disease. Lyme is just a piece of the puzzle. It may be a very big piece, but it's not the only piece. No one gets sick with chronic Lyme overnight. It may seem like it. You may wake up one day sick as a dog, and life isn't ever the same again. But the beginnings of it started weeks, months, or likely years before. Our immune systems are extremely advanced. (I'm not going to get into the science of it, but pull up YouTube and look up how the immune system works. It's absolutely fascinating!) There's rarely one thing that overwhelms the immune system; usually, it's several things, a chain reaction of sorts. Our immune systems can become so overwhelmed that they can no longer fight. Many people with chronic Lyme have such impaired immune systems that they do not ever get sick, because their bodies can't fight viruses or bacterial infections. Chronic illness is often desc...