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A good stretch

It's been almost a month of feeling somewhat normal. I find myself counting the days, and praying I don't relapse. I'm hoping the worst of treatment is done with, and I'm starting to come out on the other side. I still have a long way to go, but not feeling like death every day is a start.

Being sick has caused a dramatic shift in perspective. I am finding joy in the simplest of things. Just being able to be pain-free for any amount of time during the day is a gift. It's happening more and more. I'm so hopeful but also cautious.

As I mentioned before, my husband is on a candida diet. It's going really well. The first 3 days were so hard for him, he had a constant headache and was so irritable. He's doing better now that he is getting over the sugar withdrawal, but soon he'll be starting Nystatin and likely dealing with candida die-off. One day at a time. It puts a little extra pressure on me to make sure I am sending him to work with healthy, sugar & yeast-free foods, plus cooking that way at home, but I don't mind. If there's anything I've learned, it's how important our health is. I've also decided to cut out sugar as well, because sugar definitely feeds the spirochetes. I have to be extra careful anyway, since I'm on so many antibiotics that candida could quickly get out of hand. It's been a testing of wills for both of us to not dig into the four buckets of Halloween candy our kids have, but we've been doing it!

I'm so grateful for where I am right now. Like I said, I still deal with symptoms daily and still have a long way to go, but I'm seeing concrete progress. It's been quite the ride so far.
