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Appointment Update & Financial Woes

Today both Justin & I had an appointment with my LLMD. Her office is about 1 1/2 hours away, but sometimes there's traffic so we left 2 hours before my scheduled appointment. Since, we didn't have a babysitter, we brought all 4 of the kids with us.

This was the first time seeing my doctor since May 4th, when I had the IGeneX testing done, so today was my first appointment since my diagnosis. She decided to keep my antibiotic protocol the same, since I am finally seeing results. She agreed that teasel root is good to be taking, and adding in the Samara Herbs Lyme mix is a good idea too. She told me the next time I have that problem where it feels like my throat is swelling, let her know and she'll order a thyroid ultrasound at a local hospital to check and see if it is, in fact, my thyroid.

Justin's appointment was a bit stressful for him. They decided he should have IGeneX testing done, which was $1800. We DO NOT have that money, we're praying insurance will cover 80% of it like they did for mine. I hate using the credit card, but when it comes to your health, you realize you're willing to pay whatever you need to in order to get to the bottom of things and feel better again. She also put him on a candida diet. He tested positive for candida about a year ago at the naturopath we were seeing. He has a major addiction to sugar, and I've known he needs to cut it out for a long time, but men are stubborn. The candida diet is going to be really hard for him - no sugar, alcohol, cheese, yeast, condiments & sauces containing vinegar, processed meats, fruit juice, coffee & tea, and more. It's a good, healthy diet, so I'll do it with him, except I'll make some small allowances. This new diet adds more of a burden to my meal planning but I know we can handle it.

My main concern and stress right now is money. With my treatment, we are tight anyway, never mind with the added expenses we've had lately - car repairs, dental work, etc. And of course there's still more unavoidable expenses coming our way. I'm trying not to stress too much but it feels like everything is coming at us at once and it's overwhelming. And if Justin's IGeneX results come back positive (which they will - we know he has Lyme) we will have another person in our house treating, which will likely be hundreds more. I'm trying to focus on one thing at a time, but with Christmas coming, I'm feeling worried. 
