Today both Justin & I had an appointment with my LLMD. Her office is about 1 1/2 hours away, but sometimes there's traffic so we left 2 hours before my scheduled appointment. Since, we didn't have a babysitter, we brought all 4 of the kids with us. This was the first time seeing my doctor since May 4th, when I had the IGeneX testing done, so today was my first appointment since my diagnosis. She decided to keep my antibiotic protocol the same, since I am finally seeing results. She agreed that teasel root is good to be taking, and adding in the Samara Herbs Lyme mix is a good idea too. She told me the next time I have that problem where it feels like my throat is swelling, let her know and she'll order a thyroid ultrasound at a local hospital to check and see if it is, in fact, my thyroid. Justin's appointment was a bit stressful for him. They decided he should have IGeneX testing done, which was $1800. We DO NOT have that money, we're praying insurance will...