I've been dealing with some disappointment the last few days. I've had worsening muscle weakness, mostly concentrated in my shoulders. Emily believes the new herb she added into my treatment has reached spots where the lyme was hiding - primarily my neck, shoulders and jaw. These are all areas I haven't previously had many issues with. Since starting the new herb in the beginning of January, I get extreme tightness in my shoulder and neck muscles, and aching pain in my jaw. Sometimes (like today) my jaw gets tired just chewing my food. My shoulder muscles burn just by lifting my arms even a little bit; sometimes they burn even if I'm not using my arms at all. Pain meds don't help, so I'm trying to use the hot tub as much as I can. Emily asked me to take a few days off from doing yoga to give my muscles a break. I felt off without my daily yoga so after two days, I decided to add it back in but I'm careful to keep it very low-impact. I also went to Pound Mo...