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Showing posts from December, 2018

Reflections on 2018

My annual tradition is to use the last few days of the year to reflect on the passed year, and put into place goals for the coming year. At the close of 2017, I promised to focus my energy on doing what's best for myself and my body in 2018, and overall I am extremely happy and thankful for how this year went. Physical health... I went into 2018 still on several antibiotics and pills, which got me to about 70% better. In June, I made the decision to get off of all antibiotics and switch to seeing an herbalist and treating with herbs. It was truly one of the best decisions I've ever made, though a bit scary. I met with Emily at the beginning of July. By November, I considered myself 90% better. Unfortunately, December has been a highly stressful month, and I've regressed and flared a bit. But I'm staying positive and moving forward, remembering that healing isn't linear. I've continued to lower my thyroid meds, and hope to soon have my hypothyroidism comple...

Remembering Christmas

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! December has been a rough month for me. We were very busy, which often overwhelms me, I was pulling late nights every night to work on orders for my business, and I haven't been as strict about my healthy eating habits. It was a simple equation: lack of sleep + non-healthy eating + stress = flare. It started on December 9th, peaked for a couple days and slowly got better, just in time to hit the full moon. Not all full moons bother me, but this one did - so I had a dose of anxiety, heart stuff, and insomnia. I'm so, so thankful that I felt great for Christmas, and so far today seem to be doing better as well. I remember feeling awful last Christmas, so I went back and read my blog entry from two days after Christmas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 27, 2017 Tonight I had one of those bouts of crying because I'm just so sick of being sick. This has been a long stretch of feeling ...