This has become my mantra. Less than a month ago I wrote the post titled " Progress ". In it, I talked about how I was having two good weeks, and I said, "I feel I may be turning a corner, but I'm scared to get my hopes up. Lyme has a way of doing that to you - knocking you down when you have just gotten your feet under you." My fear proved to be warranted, since soon after I started feeling terrible again. Bad days are terrible, but bad weeks are even worse, because they really wear down your mental state. My joints and hands have been hurting again, although the joints have been worse before. Some days I am alternating between having hot flashes and cold flashes. I have this overall unwell feeling - like when you're sick, and you know you are, but you can't pinpoint exactly "why" you feel that way. My neuro symptoms have been kicking up, which is discouraging since they had previously been getting better. I alternate between being anxio...